20 September In History 

On 20 September 1973 - Battle of the Sexes "Billie Jean King" Defeated to Bobby Riggs in Straight Sets

On 20 September 1881 -  Chester A. Arthur Was 21st President of the US  Country  who was Succeeding assassin James A. Garfield.

20 September 1946 -  First 16 Day Continue Cannes Film Festival Were Started in France Country.

20 September 1962 - A Black student Named "Jamed Meredith" was barred From university of Mississippi By Democratic

20 September 1967 -  Cunard Liner RMS Queen Elizabeth II Was christened by Britain Queen Elizabeth II At Scotland 

20 September 2011- US Military's 18-year old "Dont Ask , Dont Tell" Took Effect for  Gays And lesbians Service member.

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